Environmental Operating Solutions, Inc (EOSi) is providing rapid response MicroC® supplemental carbon services to wastewater treatment facilities facing plant upsets, loss of healthy biomass, and potential risk of permit violations, due to significant reduction in BOD loading as a direct result of the COVID-19 crisis having forced shut downs of local businesses and industries. In the past two weeks EOSI has provided BOD supplementation solutions to customers ranging from Casinos, refineries, protein processors and municipal sewage treatment plants that serve major tourist destinations, ensuring they are able to sustain a healthy and adequate biomass and subsequent treatment performance in their system during these unprecedented times.

“In addition to the top priority of protecting the health and safety of their employees, these facility operators are facing additional stress due to the challenges the COVID-19 crisis is imparting to their treatment plant operations. Our rapid response programs can be installed and started up with limited human-to-human interface, while any needed technical support can be done through virtual communication tools,” said Tom Walkosak, CEO of EOSi.  A recent example of this was EOSi’s ability to initiate a new project, despite COVID-19 site restrictions, through a virtual project team approach with a municipality in CA.

The MicroC 2000 supplemental carbon service programs are a proven solution in preventing unwanted problems that occur due to inadequate BOD loading, such as process upsets, foaming and proliferation of filamentous organisms, all of which can create challenges to plant operators and lead to risks in meeting permit limits. “Our MicroC programs include the highest quality supplemental carbon products on the market backed by our best in class technical and process automation services and the strongest supply chain in the business,” added Walkosak.