Canada has announced an investment in smart grid technology to make electrical systems more efficient and prepare for a clean energy future.

Ottawa South MP David McGuinty has made the announcement on behalf of the Minister of Natural Resources Amarjeet Sohi.

Ottawa South MP David McGuinty said: “Today’s investment in innovative technology will help families in Ottawa save money and reduce pollution. Our government will continue to support clean energy initiatives that create jobs, support investment and industry competitiveness, and help us realize our global climate change goals.”

Canada’s government has sanctioned a £4m investment to Hydro Ottawa for Phase 2 of a smart grid project at a community housing complex in Ottawa.

Hydro Ottawa president and CEO Bryce Conrad said: “Thanks to our partners and funding from National Resources Canada, we are bringing the electricity grid into the 21st century with MiGen Transactive Grid. By working together with academia, business, and government, we are making it easier for everyone to generate, use, store and sell clean energy.”

The project funding is provided by the Natural Resources Canada’s Smart Grid program

The MiGen Transactive Grid project is expected to give the consumers and businesses an opportunity to generate their own power, by establishing microgrids.

Solar panels and an advanced battery storage system are intended to be installed on the buildings where a smart inverter converts the solar energy into electricity.

Unused electricity can be stored to protect against outages, shared with connected neighbours or sent back to the grid.

The program, a part of the Government of Canada’s more than £143bn investment in Canada infrastructure plan, allows utilities to reduce pollution and optimize electricity use while encouraging innovation.

Ottawa community housing corporation CEO Stéphane Giguère said: “OCHC is a forward-thinking landlord that aims to build sustainable communities for future generations. Partnerships such as this one with Hydro Ottawa and Natural Resources Canada provide us with the opportunity to better leverage our resources to accomplish that goal and reduce our carbon footprint.”