Buru Energy Limited (Buru, Company) provides the following update in relation to its Ungani oil production and operations (Buru 50% and Operator, ROC Oil 50%).

As advised on 6 July 2023, the Fitzroy River vehicle causeway crossing at the town of Fitzroy crossing was temporarily closed due to rising river water levels following unseasonal weather in the Kimberley, resulting in the suspension of oil transport operations from the Ungani production facility to the storage tank at Wyndham.

Main Roads WA has now advised that river levels have receded, and a low-level crossing suitable for heavy vehicle traffic has been reopened.

As a result, operations at the Ungani Production Facility and oil transportation to the storage tank in Wyndham have now recommenced.

Buru’s planned lifting of crude oil from the Wyndham storage tank remains on track to occur in late August.

In discussions with Main Roads WA, Buru has been made aware that the forward plan for the heavy vehicle crossing of the Fitzroy River during the upcoming wet season is yet to be finalised, with the current low-level crossings likely to be unavailable.

With a permanent bridge across the Fitzroy River not expected to be operational until mid2024, the Ungani Joint Venture will review its ongoing operations and logistics, including the safety and suitability of river crossing options proposed in due course by Main Roads WA.