Apex Clean Energy today announced an environmental attribute purchase agreement (EAPA) with Meta for the full capacity of Angelo Solar in Tom Green County, Texas. The 195 MW project will help Meta support its regional operations with 100% renewable energy.

“The success of our company and our mission, to accelerate the shift to clean energy, relies on partnerships with first movers like Meta that have set ambitious standards driving the energy transition,” said Mark Goodwin, president and CEO of Apex Clean Energy. “As we advance our sixth project alongside Meta, this portfolio, now totaling more than a gigawatt, represents a diverse set of best-in-class wind and solar projects in markets across the United States.”

“We appreciate Apex’s partnership in helping us bring a total of one gigawatt of new renewable energy to the grid across Texas, Virginia, Illinois, Kansas, and Iowa,” said Urvi Parekh, head of renewable energy at Meta. “This new solar project will support our commitment to 100% renewable energy and will help bring jobs and investment to the local community.”

The agreement follows other previously announced transactions between Apex and Meta: an 80 MW EAPA with Altavista Solar; 200 MW with Aviator Wind East, part of the largest single-phase, single-site wind project in the United States; 175 MW with Lincoln Land Wind; 197 MW with Jayhawk Wind; and, most recently, 225 MW with Great Pathfinder Wind.

Angelo Solar will generate approximately $31.7 million in tax revenue for the local community, at least $22 million in landowner payments, and approximately 400 jobs during construction. Angelo is expected to begin commercial operations in early 2024.