AMPYR Solar Europe was created through the merger of NaGa Solar with the existing AMPYR Energy UK solar joint venture between AGP Group and Hartree Partners


AMPYR Solar Europe to develop Large-Scale Solar PV Assets in Germany. (Credit: AMPYR Global Energy Holdings Pte. Ltd.)

AMPYR Solar Europe (“ASE”) and Commerz Real’s KlimaVest signed a strategic co-operation agreement to develop, build and commission a pipeline of large-scale Solar PV projects in Germany.

As part of the agreement, AMPYR Solar Europe, will be responsible for developing the projects to Ready-To-Build (“RTB”) status, provide EPC Management services for the construction and commissioning of the plants, and put in place Operations & Maintenance (“O&M”) services for their operations, under KlimaVest’s ownership. The initial portfolio of three solar parks located in Germany will have a combined capacity of ca. 200 MWp.

Commenting on the announcement, ASE Executive Chairman Andrew Gould said: “This partnership perfectly exemplifies ASE’s mission to leverage its capability and experience in developing large-scale renewable power projects, to provide institutional investors attractive opportunities to deploy capital and generate stable, reliable, long-term income. We couldn’t be more proud partnering with Commerz Real to jointly contribute towards Germany’s ambitious renewable energy targets”.

“We are really happy about this partnership, from the start we had the feeling that there is a really good fit between ASE and Commerz Real. Hopefully this is the first PV pipeline of many, since it is a perfect example for an investment that really creates a positive impact and delivers long term stable returns, just as we promised to our investors in KlimaVest.” Jan-Peter Müller, Head of Infrastructure Investments at Commerz Real

Source: Company Press Release