The tank, which is located on Circle Drive in Clinton, is being drained today in preparation for the work.

Tank maintenance crews will complete external maintenance work prior to re-painting the tank’s exterior and interior surfaces. The over $800,000 project is expected to be complete by the beginning of November.

Iowa American Water operations director Jim Runzer said “This work is necessary to extend the service life of our elevated storage tanks. Water tanks serve a vital role in our water distribution systems by enabling consistent water pressure in customers’ homes and businesses, providing adequate water supply during high demand periods and for fire protection.”

Iowa American Water is using an environmentally friendly paint system on the inside of the tank. This high tech paint system has a very low volatile organic chemical (VOC) concentration compared to other paints typically used for this application. Low VOC paint is safer for the environment and the painters applying it.

Customers neighboring the tank site should not notice any change in their water service during the project, except for occasional water pressure variations that may occur as a result of the tank being out of service. The quality of the water flowing to customers’ homes will not be impacted and will continue to meet all federal and state water quality regulations. In addition, whenever the painting contractor is sandblasting off the old paint and applying the new, the entire tank will be shrouded to better protect nearby homes and businesses from airborne dust and paint. PRESS RELEASE

The contractor for the work is American Suncraft Construction Company of Medway, Ohio. Weather permitting; work on the project will occur seven days a week from 7 a.m. until dusk. This aggressive work schedule is necessary to complete the project quickly and allow the tank to be put back into service before colder weather sets in.

Source: Company Press Release