PT Indonesia Power has signed an eight year service agreement with Alstom for a gas-fired combined cycle power station near Jakarta. The umbrella contract is worth around E30 million.
The contract applies to the Alstom-constructed Tanjung Priok station which has two blocks, each comprising three GT13E1 gas turbines and one steam turbine. The plant, which has been operating since 1994, had an overall capacity of 1180 MW. Under the terms of the deal, Alstom will be the sole supplier of hot gas path parts and will provide new and reconditioned parts for the gas turbines on an OEM quality level. The agreement focuses on the supply of spare parts for the six gas turbines.
The Irish grid operating company, ESB National Grid, has signed a contract with Alstom for replacement of its existing energy management system. The new system will utilise the French company’s MS Windows 2000 operating system-based software. The Irish power market is being deregulated in accordance with European Union liberalisation directives and the new system is designed to facilitate the integration of existing and developing power market requirements. The ESB National Grid energy management system will include a national control centre (NCC) which will be responsible for all normal supervisory control and data acquisition and EMS functions, an emergency control centre which is an exact replica of the NCC and a dispatcher training simulator. It will be built using Alstom’s e-terra software.
Italian transmission company Terna has placed an order worth over b18 million with ABB for two phase shifting transformers. ABB will also integrate the two units into an existing station control system. The transformers are to be used to optimise the transmission of power from France to Italy. The transformers will be used to control energy flows and to balance overloads and underloads. Phase shifting transformers increase the transmission capacity of existing lines, enabling more power to be transferred without the need for new capacity. Each unit will have a throughput rating of 1630 MVA at 400 kV and each weighs around 780 t.
GE Network Solutions has been awarded a contract from the Sarawak Electricity Supply Corp (SESCO) to upgrade an existing control system at the Kuching power station. The value of the contract is placed at $2.3 million. Under the terms of the deal, GE will upgrade an existing XA/21 Scada system with generation-dispatch and control functionality, a power network application and an operating training simulation program. When the upgrade is completed the control system will be capable of previously unavailable data acquisition, data processing, alarm monitoring, data presentation and date archiving capabilities. Work on the upgrade, which began in November 2001, is expected to be completed by June 2003.
ABB has won contracts worth $44 million from the Nigerian National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) for two transmission and distribution projects which will help upgrade the country’s supply infrastructure. The first project, valued at $34 million, involves the design and construction of a 132 kV, 330 km transmission line connecting the cities of Benin and Onitsha in southern Nigeria. The contract includes a 2.5 km link across the Niger river and installation of composite optical fibre cabling throughout. This two year project is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2003. The second contract encompasses the refurbishment of ninety-two 330 kV and 132 kV circuit breakers at seven transmission and distribution stations. Due to be completed in August this year, the $10 million scheme will also involve the training of NEPA engineers.
China has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Pakistan for the construction of two power plants in the Thar coalfield in Sindh Province. Each of the two coal-fired power stations will have a generating capacity of 300 MW and cost $300 million. The Chinese government is expected to invest $600 million to construct the plants on a build-own-operate basis. Construction is expected to be completed in three years. The Pakistan government has identified an area of the Thar coalfield in the south eastern part of Sindh for the Chinese development. Under the terms of the memorandum, the Chinese Shenhua Group will undertake a geological survey of the Thar coalfield site, a study which is expected to take one year to complete. Over 150 Chinese technicians are expected to be involved in the feasibility study which will hope to establish that there is sufficient fuel in the site area to supply the two plants.
The Thar coalfield has estimated reserves of 176 billion t, though proved reserves are only 9 billion t. The Thar coal seam, which is found over most of the coalfield, is up to 23m thick and is located at a depth of between 150m and 200m.
The Spanish energy company Endesa has awarded two contracts for the construction of two gas fired power stations to a consortium comprising Babcock Borsig Power and Grupo Duro Felguera. The power stations are to be constructed on the Spanish islands of Grand Canaria and Majorca. Each will have a power output of 219 MW.
The Grand Canaria plant is due to enter service during the summer of 2004, with the Majorca station scheduled for completion by the spring of 2005. The two contracts are worth a total of E290 million; Babcock Borsig’s share is Euro 162 million.
Piller has won two orders worth around $15 million for uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems for the digital broadcast and telecommun-ications sectors. The first is for a frequency stabilised diesel UPS system to be installed in a new digital broadcast facility in London. The purchaser of the system has not been announced, but the system will include the option to have long term battery ‘ride through’ support for the diesel generator rather than a short term kinetic energy support system. The second contract is for a 3.3 MVA hybrid rotary UPS system to serve a new UK telecommunications site. The system is configured with units normally running in parallel, but with the facility to have synchronised outputs when the units run as standalone machines.
The Zambian utility Zesco has selected Alstom to carry out the rehabilitation of the Victoria Falls power station. The contact is worth around E39 million. The station, owned and operated by Zesco, is situated on the Zambezi river, close to Livingstone. The plant comprises three stations – an outdoor station with four 2 MW turbine units and named Station A, Station B, which has an underground power house with six 10 MW units and Station C, a further outdoor powerhouse with four 10 MW units. Their combined generating capacity totals 108 MW. Under the terms of the deal Alstom will provide both equipment and services for the rehabilitation of the three stations and an associated high voltage switchyard. Equipment including turbines, generators and other electrical components will be supplied from Alstom facilities in France and Spain. As part of the project, Station A is to be converted into a working museum.