The Victory Field is located in the UK Continental Shelf. (Credit: Koichi Hayakawa/Flickr)
Shell is the owner/operator of the project. (Credit: Kent Smith/ Photographic Services, Shell International Limited)
The field will be operated from the GLA control room at the Shetland Gas Plant (SGP). (Credit: © Guillaume Perrin - TotalEnergies)

The Victory Gas and Condensate Field is located in Block 207/1a of the UK Continental Shelf, in a water depth of around 160m.

Reabold Resources-backed British oil and gas company Corallian Energy secured the Block 207/1a in the UK Oil and Gas Authority’s (OGA) 32nd offshore licencing round in 2020.

The Victory Environment Baseline Survey (EBS) was completed in June 2021. This was followed by the submission of a draft Field Development Plan (FDP) for the Victory field in December 2021.

In November 2022, Shell UK acquired Corallian Energy for £32m and became the owner of the Victory field. The Seaward Production P2596 Licence associated with the Victory field was transferred to Shell in May 2023 making it the operator of the offshore gas field.

Development drilling and subsea installation works at Victory are expected to be conducted between May and October 2024.

The project is expected to achieve first gas in Q4 2024.

At peak, Victory is expected to produce 4.209 million cubic metres of gas and 15.36 tonnes of condensate per day.

Victory Field Location

The Victory Field is located in the Seaward Production Licence P2596, approximately 47km northwest of the Shetland Islands, the UK.

The location is around 110km south east of the UK/Faroe median line, the nearest international boundary.

Discovery and Field Geology

The Victory Field was discovered in 1977 after the 207/01-3 well encountered a thick and high-quality sandstone reservoir with lean and dry gas.

The well flowed at around 9mmscf/d from 200ft of net gas pay in the Lower Cretaceous sandstones proving the commerciality of the reservoir.

The Condensate to Gas Ratio (CGR) is estimated at 1 bbl/MMSCF, with condensate gravity expected to be 0.816. Formation water production is not anticipated.

It is estimated that the field hosts 2C resources of 157 billion cubic feet (BCF). Another estimate puts 2C or best/ mid case technically recoverable resource at 179bcf of dry gas.

The project has been fully appraised and needs no additional pre-development drilling.

According to the Victory Field Development Environmental Statement, the field will have a life of around seven to ten years, contingent upon reserves, the production rate and the life of the existing infrastructure.

Victory Field Development Details

The Victory field is planned to be developed using a single subsea well that will be connected to a hot tap tee installed in TotalEnergies’ existing Greater Laggan Area (GLA) network infrastructure.

The subsea well (207/01a-F) is expected to be drilled by a moored semi-submersible rig. Upon completion, it will be tied back to GLA infrastructure to one of the hot tap tees installed in the 18-inch Laggan-Tormore pipeline via a new 16.2km long 14-inch pipeline.

The pipeline will feature a pigging skid at each end enabling valves and flanges to connect a temporary pig launcher and receiver for dewatering future intervention.

The well will be controlled via a new umbilical from TotalEnergies’ Edradour manifold situated around 18km away.

The GLA control room in Shetland Gas Plant (SGP), situated on the north coast of the Shetland Islands, will operate the project.

The production from the field would be transported onshore to the SGP for processing. The liquids (condensates) will be removed and then transported to the Sullom Voe oil terminal located nearby.

The produced gas, after processing, will be exported across the UK grid through the Shetland Island Regional Gas Export System (SIRGE) and Frigg UK Association (FUKA) pipelines.

The GLA control system will also be expanded from the Edradour manifold to carry electrical power, communications and hydraulics to the Victory well using the new 18km control umbilical.

The subsea control system and metering and allocation system at SGP will also undergo certain modifications to enable the Victory field tie-in.

The pipeline and umbilical for the project will be installed either by installing rock protection underneath and on top of the pipeline and umbilical or by creating very narrow pre-cleared corridors for pipeline and umbilical laying and covering them with rock.

The installation works will be performed by Dynamically Positioned (DP) vessels.

The Victory infrastructure will have a design life of around 15 to 20 years. After the production ends, the field may be repurposed for carbon capture and storage.

Contractors Involved

The Environmental Statement of the Victory field was prepared by Corallian Energy with Orbis Energy.

SLR Consulting provided the resource estimation for the project, while RPS Energy completed a Competent Persons Report (CPR).

Commercial law firm Hill Dickinson provided advisory services to Reabold Resources regarding the sale of Corallian Energy to Shell UK.
