The Track 4A combined-cycle power project uses GE’s 9HA.02 gas turbines. Image courtesy of General Electric.
The 1.44GW Track 4A gas-fired combined-cycle power project is located in the Pasir Gudang city, in the Johor district of Malaysia. Image courtesy of General Electric.
The project is developed by a special purpose company of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) and SIPP Energy. Image courtesy of General Electric.

The Track 4A combined-cycle power station, also known as the Pasir Gudang power station, is a 1.4GW gas-fired power generating facility located in the Johor district of Malaysia.

The power station became fully operational with the grid connection of units one and two of the facility in January and February 2021 respectively.

The project was developed by Southern Power Generation (SPG), a special purpose company comprising Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB, 51%) and SIPP Energy (49%), with an estimated investment of approximately £837.85m ($1.08bn).

The power project was issued a notice to proceed (NTP) for the start of construction works in July 2017.

Location and site details

The Track 4A combined-cycle power project is located near Pasir Gudang city, in the Johor district of Malaysia.

The project site lies adjacent to the existing Sultan Iskandar power station and falls under the authority of Majlis Perbandaran Pasir Gudang (MPPG) council.

The Senai International airport is accessible to the site by 40km, while the Tanjung Langsat and Johor seaports are also located in close proximity to the power plant.

Track 4A power plant make-up

The Track 4A power station comprises two single-shaft, combined-cycle generating blocks of 720MW capacity each. Both the units are designed to run on natural gas as the main fuel and distillate as the back-up fuel.

Each block is equipped with a 9HA.02 gas turbine, an STF-D650 steam turbine along with a W88 generator, and a horizontal triple pressure, once-through heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The turbines and generators of the plant were supplied by GE.

Each steam turbine of the plant comprises single flow high-pressure (HP) and intermediate-pressure (IP) sections, and a double-flow low-pressure (LP) section.

The power station is fitted with Mark VIe integrated control system (ICS) that features a single operator interface and common troubleshooting tools for efficient operations.

The other components of the project include two fuel oil tanks, one demineralised water tank, one raw water tank, and one fire water tank.

Gas supply agreement

Petronas entered into a gas sales agreement with Southern Power Generation in September 2016 for the supply and delivery of natural gas to the Track 4A combined-cycle power station for a period of 21 years.

Power purchase agreement

Southern Power Generation also signed a 21-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with electricity utility Tenaga Nasional Berhad for the Track 4A project in September 2016.

Contractors involved

Taiwan’s CTCI Corporation and GE were awarded the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract for the Track 4A combined-cycle power station in October 2016.

GE supplied and installed the turbine and generator equipment for the plant. It also signed a multi-year service agreement (MYA) for the plant in March 2018. The agreement includes GE’s Predix APM suite of digital solutions.

AFRY (formerly Pöyry) was engaged the as Owner’s Engineer contractor for the project. It provided project management, design review, site supervision, quality assurance, and commissioning supervision services as part of the contract. It was assisted by its local partner Minconsult to execute the contract.

AKK Engineering was subcontracted by CTCI Engineering and Construction for the EPC of API-650 storage tanks in 2018, while Kalf Engineering was contracted for the supply and installation of water treatment and electro chlorination systems.

TNB Remaco was contracted for the operation and maintenance services of the power plant in September 2017, while Megalift was contracted for the transportation of major structures and equipment during the plant construction.

Track 4A power project background

The Energy Commission (EC) of Malaysia awarded the Track 4A combined cycle power project to SIPP Energy, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), and YTL Power International in May 2014.

YTL Power International, however, withdrew its participation in the project development in June 2014.

TNB signed heads of agreement (HoA) with SIPP for the construction and development of the power plant in July 2014.
