The Øyfjellet Wind Park is located in Norway. (Credit: Eolus Vind AB)
Nordex supplied 72 wind turbines for the wind farm. (Credit: NORDEX SE)
The wind park became fully operational in September 2022. (Credit: Øyfjellet Wind AS)

The Øyfjellet Wind Park is a 400MW onshore wind power project located in the northern Norwegian county of Nordland.

The wind park is owned by Øyfjellet Wind AS, a subsidiary of a long-term investment fund managed by Aquila Capital. Aquila Capital acquired the shares of the project company from Eolus, a wind power developer who built the wind park.

Construction of the project began in December 2019 and it became fully operational in September 2022 after all the wind turbines started producing electricity.

The Øyfjellet Wind Park is capable of producing around 1,320GWh (1.32 TWh) of electricity per year, enough to meet annual energy requirements for 82,500 households.

Location details

Øyfjellet Wind Park is located near Møsjoen in the Vefsn Municipality in Northern Norway.

The municipality covers an area of 1,849km2. The licenced area includes 40km2 area, representing around 2% of the municipality.

The wind park was developed in a concentrated area in a hilly mountain plateau incorporating changes aligned with the feedback received from the local community.

Øyfjellet Wind farm background

In 2011, the local landowners and industry agreed to develop the project to increase renewable energy supplies.

The construction licence was provided by Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) in 2014. The final authorisation from the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy was received in 2016.

Initially, the wind farm was planned to be developed with a capacity of 330MW. In 2018, NVE granted permission for a 400MW project.

The detailed plans for the Øyfjellet project were approved in December 2019.

In 2020, the construction of the project’s internal roads, crane pads and turbine foundations began. The construction of the transmission line and switchgear also commenced in the same year.

All the turbines began commercial operations in 2022.

In 2023, the wind park was taken over by Øyfjellet Wind from Eolus Vind.

Øyfjellet Wind Park details

The development of the Øyfjellet Wind Park included the installation of 72 Nordex N149 wind turbines. Each turbine has a production capacity of 5.7MW.

The wind turbines have a hub height of 105m and a rotor diameter of 149m.

Equipped with the latest wind turbine technology, the turbines can generate renewable energy without carbon dioxide emissions and minimum impact on the natural environment.

The electricity generated by the wind park is fed into the national grid via the Marka substation in the town of Mosjøen using a 132 kV main breaker.

The substation is connected to the wind farm via a 10km 132kV transmission line.

Offtake agreement

In March 2018, Alcoa Norway signed a long term power purchase agreement with Eolus to buy the entire production of Øyfjellet wind park.

According to the agreement, the project will supply wind power for 15 years from the date of commissioning to the Alcoa Aluminium Works in Mosjøen.

Contractors Involved

Nordex Energy won the contract to deliver, install and maintain 72 N149/5.X turbines for the Øyfjellet wind farm.

The main construction contractor of the wind park was Norwegian construction and civil engineering company Veidekke. The company constructed roads, crane pads, turbine foundations, station building, and service buildings.

Peikko Group delivered foundation designs and conducted structural calculations of the wind turbine foundations. The Finnish company also supplied customised steel components like FATBAR rock anchors and tower adapter plates with tower connection bolts.

Engineering and design company AFRY collaborated with Eolus Vind early in the development process to analyse the wind resources and participated as an expert in consultation meetings with residents.

The cable accessories were supplied by Denmark-based NKT to Linka, who designed and installed the transmission line and conducted cabling works within the wind park and cable terminations.

Helgeland Kraft is the owner of the main grid and connected transmission line to Marka substation.
