The 321km-long Midship pipeline will supply 1.4bcf/d of natural gas from Oklahoma's SCOOP and STACK plays. Image courtesy of Montgomery County Planning Commission.
The Midship pipeline project will have three new compressor stations. Image courtesy of Jeremy Buckingham.

Midcontinent Supply Header Interstate Pipeline or Midship pipeline is a 321km-long natural gas pipeline to be developed in Oklahoma, US, by Midship Pipeline Company, a subsidiary of Cheniere Energy.

The pipeline will deliver up to 1.4 billion cubic feet (bcf) of natural gas a day from Oklahoma’s gas-rich Anadarko Basin to the existing pipeline systems connecting the Gulf Coast and south-east US markets.

The Anadarko Basin in Oklahoma is home to South Central Oklahoma Oil Province (SCOOP), and Sooner Trend Anadarko Canadian and Kingfisher (STACK) resource plays.

The $1bn project received construction approval from the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in August 2018 and is expected to be brought on stream by the end of 2019.

The project will create up to 1,300 jobs during the construction phase.

Midship pipeline design and route details

The Midship pipeline project encompasses the construction of a mainline of 321km length, two lateral lines of 32km and 22.2km length and a 100m tie-in line, as well as associated support infrastructure such as compressor and booster stations and delivery/receipt meters.

The mainline will originate from the existing Okarche gas processing plant in Kingfisher County and head in south-south-eastern direction through Canadian, Grady, Garvin, Stephens, Carter, and Johnston counties to terminate at the new Bennington compressor station in Bryan County.

The Chisholm lateral line will run in the Kingfisher County to provide a tie-in connection to the mainline near Okarche.

The Velma lateral line will start from Velma in Stephens County and pass through Carter County to connect to the mainline at Tatums compressor station in Garvin County.

The tie-in pipeline will connect the Cana meter station with the mainline.

The diameter of the mainline will be 36in, while that of the Chisholm lateral line will be 30in. The diameter of the Velma lateral line will be further narrow, at 16in, while that of the tie-in pipeline will be 24in.

Midship pipeline infrastructure facilities

The project includes three new compressor stations with combined installed horsepower (hp) of 114,650 at Canadian, Garvin and Bryan Counties, a 2,760hp new booster station at Sholem in Stephens County, eight new receipt meters, four new delivery meters, and two new receipt taps along the route of the pipeline.

The Calumet compressor station in the Canadian County will be equipped with two Solar Centaur 50 gas-fired turbines, one Solar Mars 100 gas-fired turbine, and two gas-fired emergency generators.

The Tatums compressor station in the Garvin County will comprise two Solar Taurus 70 gas-fired turbines, one Solar Titan 130 gas-fired turbine, and two gas-fired emergency generators.

The Bennington compressor station in the Bryan County will be fitted with two Solar Centaur 50 gas-fired turbines, one Solar Titan 250 gas-fired turbine, and two gas-fired emergency generators.

The new receipt meters will be located at Chisholm, Mark West, Canadian Valley, Cana, Iron Horse, and Velma meter stations.

The existing Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America (NGPL) 801-meter station in Carter County and the NGPL meter station in Bryan County will have one new delivery meter each for the Midship pipeline, whereas two delivery meters will be installed at the new Bennington meter station in the Bryan County.

The two receipt taps will be located at Bradley and Wildhorse in Grady and Garvin Counties.

Commercial agreements for the Midship pipeline project

Cheniere Energy secured commercial agreements with Devon Energy, Marathon Oil, and Gulfport Energy as well its own subsidiaries for a total shipping commitment of 1bcf/d of gas from the Midship pipeline, in March 2017.


EIG Global Energy Partners committed to invest up to $500m for the Midship pipeline project in June 2017.

Contractors involved with the Midship pipeline project

ITI International was awarded the mill inspection service contract for the Midship pipeline project in February 2018.

TRC was awarded the environmental consulting, engineering and field services contract for the pipeline project as well as the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for the three new compressor stations in August 2018.

Sunland Construction will be the construction contractor for the compressor stations.

Bracewell was hired by Cheniere Energy as the legal counselor for the Midship pipeline project in 2017.
