The 1,760MW Jawa-1 LNG to power project is located in Java Island, Indonesia. Image courtesy of Samsung C&T.
The GE- Samsung-Meindo consortium was awarded the EPC contract for the Jawa-1 power plant in March 2018. Image courtesy of Pertamina.

Jawa-1, also known as the PLTGU Jawa-1 project, is a 1,760MW liquefied natural gas (LNG)-based power project planned to be developed in Cilamaya, West Java province, Java Island, Indonesia.

The $1.8bn project involves the construction of a combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant, an LNG floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), a 500kV power transmission line, and a substation.

It is considered to be one of the biggest gas-fired plants in south-east Asia and the first of its kind in Asia to be integrated with an FSRU in a single project.

The integrated LNG to power project is being undertaken by the special purpose consortium Jawa Satu Power, a joint venture between Indonesian state energy company Pertamina (40%), Marubeni (40%), and Sojitz (20%).

The project is expected to break ground immediately after its financial closure, which is anticipated by the end of 2018.

The plant is expected to power 11 million Indonesian households from 2021, while supporting the country’s 100% electrification target by 2024.

Jawa-1 project development details

Indonesia’s state-owned company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) received the tender for developing a 1760MW natural gas-fired power plant in 2016.

Pertamina, along with its Japanese partners Marubeni and Sojitz, signed a deal with PLN to build the gas-fired power plant along with associated LNG infrastructure, in January 2017.

The consortium led by Petromina also signed a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) for the Jawa-1 project with PLN in the same month.

Jawa-1 power plant make-up

The Jawa-1 gas-fired power plant will be built on a 36.7ha site along the Coast of Java Sea. The combined-cycle plant will comprise two gas turbines and two heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) from GE, two cooling towers, a control and electrical building, and other associated facilities.

The exhaust stack for each CCGT unit will be 60m-high. A jetty covering an area of 500m² will be constructed 1.34km away from the plant site for the delivery of heavy equipment and material for the construction and maintenance of the power plant.

Other infrastructure facilities for the project include seawater intake and wastewater discharge pipelines and a permanent access road connecting the jetty and the power plant.

Gas supply infrastructure for Jawa-1 power plant

The power plant will be dependent on LNG supply from BP’s Tangguh project in West Papua, which will be delivered by LNG carriers to the FSRU.

The 295m-long and 43m-wide FSRU will be permanently moored 9km offshore of the coastline of Subang Regency.

The LNG will be stored and regasified at the FSRU before being transported through a 14km-long subsea gas pipeline and a 7km onshore pipeline to anonshore receiving facility (ORF) near the power plant site. Both the pipelines will be buried 2m below the surface.

Electricity transmission

The electricity generated from the power plant will be transmitted to the Java-Bali grid through a 52km-long 500kV transmission line connecting the new Cibatu Baru II/ Sukatani substation in Sukatani.

Jawa-1 project financing

The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) signed a $604m loan agreement for the Jawa-1 project in October 2016.

The co-financiers for the project include Mizuho Bank, MUFG Bank, and other private banks. The total co-financing amount for the project is approximately $1.3bn.

The co-finance loan facility from the private banks is covered by Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI).

Another potential financer for the project is Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Contractors involved

Samsung C & T, along with General Electric (GE) and Meindo Elang Indah, were awarded a $900m engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for the Jawa-1 power plant in March 2018.

ERM Indonesia prepared the environmental and social assessment report for the project.
