The Jaigarh LNG terminal project is being developed in two phases for a maximum regasification capacity of 8Mtpa. Image courtesy of H-Energy.
Located in Maharashtra, India, the Jaigarh LNG terminal will be India’s first FSRU-based LNG import terminal. Image courtesy of H-Energy.
The Jaigarh LNG terminal project is being developed by H-Energy which also owns Kakinada LNG import terminal in Andhra Pradesh, India. Image courtesy of H-Energy.

The Jaigarh LNG terminal project being developed at JSW Jaigarh Port in Maharashtra, India will be the country’s first LNG regasification and import terminal utilising a floating storage and re-gasification unit (FSRU).

Hiranandani Energy (H-Energy) Gateway is implementing the project through its subsidiary Western Concessions under a sub-concession agreement signed with JSW Jaigarh Port.

The project is being developed in two phases for a total import capacity of eight million metric tonnes per annum (Mtpa).The construction works were started in February 2017 with commissioning scheduled for March 2021.

The regasified LNG from the terminal will be supplied to the to the national gas grid at Dabhol through a 57km tie-in pipeline.

Location and site details

The Jaigarh LNG import terminal project is being built at the Jaigarh Port, an all-weather deep-water port operated by JSW Infrastructure in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra, India.

The port connects with the waters of the Arabian Sea and is strategically located on the west coast of the India, approximately 55km away from Ratnagiri and about 300km to the north of Mumbai.

Jaigarh LNG terminal project components

The initial Jaigarh LNG terminal project will have a regasification capacity of 5Mmtpa, which will be further expanded to 8Mmtpa in phase two.

The project will employ Höegh LNG’s Höegh Giant FSRU vessel, which was built in 2017 and has a storage capacity of 170,000 cubic meters and a regasification capacity of 6Mmtpa.

The FSRU will also be capable of reloading LNG onto other LNG vessels and providing bunkering services.

The truck loading facilities will be built at the terminal to allow LNG to be provided to customers in trucks.

Jaigarh Port details

The Jaigarh Port currently has seven berths with a cargo handling capacity of 55 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa).

The port provides berthing facilities for Q-max size LNG vessels with a 1.6nm short approach channel. It also features a 500m-long breakwater facility to ensure continuous berthing operations.

Gas distribution

The FSRU will deliver regasified LNG through a 57km tie-in natural gas pipeline connecting the terminal to two major gas pipeline networks, namely the Dabhol-Bangalore pipeline (DBPL) and the Dahej-Uran-Panvel-Dabhol pipeline (DUPL-DPPL) at Dabhol, Maharashtra, approximately 40km away from the Jaigarh Port.

The downstream markets to be benefited from the LNG receiving terminal include Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and UP. The terminal will also connect to the Jaigarh-Mangalore pipeline to meet the natural gas requirement of India’s south-west gas markets.

Contractors involved

The JSW Jaigarh Port will be responsible for the construction of port facilities related to the project, maintenance of common infrastructure like breakwater, navigation channel, and berth basin.

It will also facilitate the pilotage, towage, and mooring services to the FSRU and the LNG vessels.

The management of engineering, procurement and construction for all the facilities except jetty development is undertaken by H-Energy. The scope also includes the gas unloading system and the connection to the gas transmission grid.

L&T Infrastructure Engineering was selected by the JSW Jaigarh Port for providing the jetty design.

ITD Cementation was awarded the contract for civil construction works of the LNG jetty, while COWI was appointed as the supervisor of the project.

Höegh LNG was awarded a 10-year contract for the supply of FSRU Höegh Giant in November 2020.
