The Hokchi Oil and Gas Field is located in the Gulf of Mexico. (Credit: Hokchi Energy/ Wintershall Dea AG)
The location map of the oil field. (Credit: Wintershall Dea AG)
The shallow-water Hokchi Block is developed as a subsea tie-back of the producing wells to two offshore platforms. (Credit: Wintershall Dea AG)

Hokchi is a producing oil and gas field located in the marine part of the Salina del Istmo basin, offshore Mexico.

The field is operated by Pan American Energy-subsidiary Hokchi Energy with 59.4% interest. Wintershall Dea (37%) and AINDA (3.6%) are the other stakeholders in the block.

The field was brought on stream in May 2020 following the completion of an appraisal campaign.

It is expected to produce 147.8 million barrels of oil and 45.4 trillion cubic feet of gas, with a recovery factor of 37%.

In March 2023, Hokchi field was producing at a rate of 27,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day gross. The gross production is expected to further increase to 37,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.

Hokchi Field location details

The Hokchi Oil and Gas Field is located in the Gulf of Mexico approximately 30km off the coast of the Mexican State of Tabasco. The field lies at an average water depth of 30m and covers an area of 40km2.

The Zama, Polok and Chinwol discoveries are located near the block.


The Hokchi Block was awarded in Mexico’s licencing round 1.2 in 2015.

In January 2016, an agreement for the extraction of hydrocarbons under the Shared Production modality was signed between the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) and Hokchi Energy.

The Hokchi Contract Area Evaluation Plan was delivered to the CNH in April 2016.

During 2016-2017, Hokchi Energy conducted an evaluation campaign in order to support the design of a development plan that will maximise recovery and economic benefit from the project.

In May 2018, CNH approved a $2.5bn development plan for the Hokchi field.

In March 2023, Wintershall Dea completed the acquisition of a 37% non-operated participating interest in the field.

Hokchi Field development plan

The Hokchi field was developed as a subsea tie-back of the producing wells to two offshore platforms- Hokchi Central (West Platform) and Hokchi Satellite (East Platform).

The hydrocarbons recovered by the two platforms are transported to a dedicated onshore processing facility located around 25km away via pipelines.

At the onshore facility, the oil and gas are separated and then it undergoes further treatment before its sale to the Mexican state company Pemex.

Infrastructure details

Apart from the two platforms, the offshore facilities include an oil and gas pipeline (14” Ø for 26 km), an injection water duct (10” Ø for 26 km), and a pipeline or submarine cable called umbilical (#2 for 26 km) along with pipeline for interconnection among others.

The two platforms are unmanned and feature seven production wells and seven injection wells.

The central and satellite platforms feature four and three decks respectively. Both the offshore platforms are fixed to the sea floor through piles.

The onshore facilities include the Hokchi Paraíso Plant.

The plant consists of different systems such as oil, gas, water treatment; water treatment and injection; gas compression and electric power generation; and auxiliary services.

Other land facilities are a measuring station; an oil and gas pipeline Hokchi Paraíso Plant to Metering Station; a gas pipeline from Hokchi Paraíso Plant to Metering Station; and connection points with existing PEMEX pipelines.

Key Contractors of the project

The Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contract of five shore approaches from sea to land was awarded to Arendal. The work consisted of 1,200m and 1,800m long production and service pipelines with 10-24 inches in diameter.

In November 2018, Sapura Energy Berhad’s wholly owned subsidiary in Mexico received offshore engineering, procurement, transportation, installation, pre-commissioning, and commissioning (EPCIC) contract for the Hokchi Field Development. The scope of work included fabrication and installation of the central wellhead platform and satellite platform.
