The Dongfang 13-2 gas development project is located 132km off the coast of Dongfang City, China. Image courtesy of Fluor.
The DF 13-2 offshore gas project uses three SGT-600 power generation units from Siemens. Image courtesy of
The DF 13-2 offshore gas project is being developed by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). Image courtesy of CNOOC.

The Dongfang 13-2 gas fields development project, also known as the DF 13-2 project, is located offshore Dongfang City, in the Hainan Province of China.

The project is being developed by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), as part of its $12.7bn investment program to bring on-stream the Dongfang gas fields along with the Stampede, Weizhou 6-13, and Penglai 19-3 oil fields.

The assembly of the central production facility for the DF 13-2 offshore gas project was completed in April 2019. The field is expected to commence production by the end of 2019.

The DF 13-2 gas development project is estimated to have a production capacity of 43,400 barrels of oil-equivalent a day (boed).

DF 13-2 gas fields location and discovery

The Dongfang 13-2 fields are situated in 70m-deep waters within the Yinggehai Basin of the Beibu Gulf of the Western South China Sea, approximately 132km west of the Hanian coast.

The Yinggehai Basin in the South China Sea also hosts the CNOOC-operated Yacheng 13-1 and Dongfang 1-1 fields, China’s two biggest producing offshore gas fields.

The Dongfang 13-2 fields were discovered in April 2012 by the DF13-2-1 discovery well. The 3,168m-deep discovery well encountered 35m-thick high-pressure and high-temperature gas pay zones and witnessed an average gas flow rate of 42.4 million cubic feet a day (Mcfd).

DF 13-2 project infrastructure details

The DF 13-2 project is being developed through 30 gas production wells, one central platform, two wellhead platforms, and associated subsea infrastructure.

The central platform for the project measures 115m-long, 46m-wide, and 96m-tall, while the two wellhead platforms have a combined weight of 19,100 tonnes (t).

The offshore platform will also house six electricity-driven compressor trains, including three wet gas and three dry gas compressor trains.

The power supply for the offshore platform will be facilitated by three SGT-600 power generation trains of 25MW rated capacity each.

Gas transportation from DF 13-2

The gas produced from the DF 13-2 fields will be supplied to the gas markets of Guangdong, Hainan, Hong Kong, and other Chinese provinces through four submarine pipelines having a combined length of 223.8km.

The pipe-laying work for the project was carried out between September 2017 and February 2018, using CNOOC’s deep-water crane vessel Offshore Oil 201.

Contractors involved

Fluor along with CNOOC’s subsidiary China Offshore Oil Engineering Corporation (COOEC) was responsible for the assembly, load-out, and commissioning of the central platform and wellhead platforms for the DF 13-2 gas development project.

The fabrication work for the wellhead platform was carried out at COOEC-Fluor yard at Zhuhai, near Hong Kong.

Harbin Guanghan Gas Turbine (HGGT) was selected by CNOOC to provide the power generation systems and other auxiliary systems including the air intake and fire-fighting systems for the project.

HGGT subcontracted Dresser-Rand, a subsidiary of Siemens, to provide the power generation units for the project in August 2017.

MAN Diesel & Turbo (now MAN Energy Solutions) was contracted to supply six compressor trains for the DF 13-2 offshore gas development project in May 2017.

Dongfang 1-1 gas field details

Located approximately 110km off the coast of Dongfang City, the Dongfang1-1 gas field was discovered in 1992 and was developed in two phases.

Production from the first phase development was commenced in September 2003, while the first gas from the second phase was achieved in May 2006.

CNOOC further added a new wellhead platform and new production wells to the field, as part of the Dongfang 1-1 phase one adjustment project, which was completed in 2015.
