The Bouri Platform, DP4, offshore Libya. (Credit: Cipiota at
Saipem’s crane vessel at the project site. (Credit: TeeGeeNo at the English-language Wikipedia at
The schematic representation of infrastructure of the project. (Credit: WikiDon at

The Bouri Gas Utilisation Project (BGUP) is an offshore subsea gas project being developed by the Mellitah Oil & Gas Libyan branch, a consortium of National Oil Corporation of Libya and Eni North Africa.

The BGUP was started in 2007 but it got suspended in 2011.

The project was again reactivated in 2017 with a development plan that will seek to maximise the use of equipment and material already procured.

Overall, the development is expected to involve an investment of around $1bn.

Bouri Field Location and Infrastructure

The Bouri Field is located offshore in Block NC-41, about 120km northwest of Tripoli in the waters of Libya. Water depth in the region ranges between 145m and 183m.

The field achieved first oil in 1988.

Bouri field development includes two offshore platforms- DP3 and DP4, seven subsea wells and an Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) to offload the oil directly into oil tankers for shipment. Current daily

The BGUP will aim to recover hydrocarbons from associated gas of DP3 and DP4 platforms which are being flared.

Bouri Gas Utilisation Project Details

The BGUP will include new facilities which will be installed on D4 Platform of Bouri Oil Field. Also, the DP3 Platform will undergo tie-in modifications.

The concept, known as BGUP 42% carbon dioxide on DP4 Platform, will include processing module which will dehydrate and compress raw gas for export to Sabratah Platform.

The DP3 and DP4 platforms will be connected to each other by a 14-inch cladded pipeline of 8.5km length to transport the raw gas from DP3 to DP4.

Around 20km long 10-inch CS and a 4-inch CS pipelines will connect DP4 Platform to Sabratah Platform to transfer dehydrated gas and condensate from DP4 to Sabratah Platform and then, to Mellitah Onshore Plant.

Additionally, fibre optical cables will connect DP3 to DP4 Platform and DP4 to Sabratah Platform.

On DP4 Platform, the facilities will be accommodated in module(s). If there are two or more modules, then they will be constructed as a single module and installed in a single lift.

In the first phase, the acid gas will be separated from the natural gas stream on DP4 Platform and via 20km sealines, it will be transferred to Sabratah Platform.

On the Sabratah Platform, the purified gas will undergo blending with Sabratah produced gas before its delivery to the Mellitah Onshore Plant.

The gas received by Mellitah Onshore Plant will be exported to European market via Greenstream pipeline.

Subsequently, after being separated on DP4 Platform, the acid gas stream will be reinjected thereby, reducing the sulphur content of the flared gas in the second phase.

Contractors Involved

In August 2023, Mellitah Oil & Gas B.V. Libyan Branch awarded a contract to Saipem for the development of the Bouri Gas Utilisation Project. The contract covers revamping of the platforms and facilities of the Bouri Gas Field.

Saipem will undertake engineering, procurement, construction, installation, and commissioning (EPCIC) of a Gas Recovery Module (GRM) weighing 5,000 tonnes.

The Gas Recovery Module will be installed onto the existing DP4 platform. The scope of works will involve laying 28km of subsea lines to connect the DP3, DP4, and Sabratha platforms.

Saipem will use its semi-submersible crane vessel, Saipem 7000, for main lifting operations.

SPS, an Italian independent engineering company, has been selected by Eni tecnomare for Front-End Engineering and design (FEED) endorsement and detailed design of offshore pipelines for the project.

The system consists of three offshore pipelines which transport raw gas (clad and lined pipes), condensate, and dry gas.

The scope of work includes the complete design of the offshore pipelines, excluding process, retrofit risers, support flanges, and clamps.

The other activities include expansion loops, routing, installation, trenching, and protection of two fibre optic cables and six umbilical which connect platforms to four SSIVs.

The activities under the contract include preparation of full ITT package for installation contractor, technical evaluation of BIDS for offshore pipelines system installation, preparation of material supply packages, follow-up of material supply, construction, and installation operations with pre-commissioning.

Mellitah Oil & Gas awarded an engineering, procurement, installation, and construction (EPCIC) contract related to DP3/DP4 modification and revamping to Rosetti Marino SPA in October 2012.

The scope of contract included engineering, procurement, fabrication, transportation, delivery, offshore installation, and testing. It also included pre-commissioning, commissioning, and start-up assistance to Mellitah.
