WORLDWIDE • NUCLEAR India’s national nuclear regulator has granted approval for start of construction of the National Power Company’s Kudankulam plant. Its two VVER-1000 Russian supplied pressurised light water reactors will be the largest nuclear plants to date in India, and the Russian government has made known its ambition to supply at least another four on the same site.
Government funding of more than $600 million has also been approved for Rajasthan units 5 and 6, 202 MWe PHWRs of standard Indian design. The 200 MWe Rajasthan 1, a thirty year old Candu reactor of Canadian origin de-rated to 90 MWe due to technical problems, will now be closed down.
•With the nuclear renaissance expected daily, Westinghouse Electric has applied to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission for design certification for its AP1000 reactor. This is in effect a 1100 MWe version of the already approved (but not yet built) AP600 pressurised water reactor. Both types are advanced simplified PWRs with passive features intended for a 60 year lifetime and a three year construction period.