ITC Holdings Corporation (ITC) is planning to launch a project to connect the power of wind turbines in the US Great Plains to cities such as Chicago and Minneapolis. The proposal of ITC is to deliver reliable, renewable energy independent of foreign oil. ITC proposal includes construction of a new high-voltage power-line network, called Green Power Express, across parts of seven wind-rich states to connect with power hungry Midwestern cities.

The timing seems to be accurate as the federal government and states push for both infrastructure improvements and renewable domestic energy. However, the company’s chairman says the government requires set clear rules for siting lines and allocating costs across utilities and operators. Even with help from regulators, it is anticipated to take up to two years just to start construction of the project.

IN February, 2009 ITC made a preliminary filing on the project with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Meanwhile, ITC is working with power generating companies to decide when they can get their wind turbines online, but until regulations are in place, no one wants to construct one without the other.