Since the completion of its construction at the end of 2015 and start-up at the end of March 2016, the plant has been recovering the CO2-containing crude gas that is released as a by-product of Neste’s renewable fuel refining process. The recovery of CO2 is expected to cut Neste’s Singapore refinery’s CO2 emissions significantly at an annual level, while simultaneously increasing the refinery’s resource efficiency and decreasing the carbon footprint of the renewable products that Neste produces in Singapore.
The CO2 recovery plant was started up on March 28th, after which it has been recovering on average 35 to 40 tons of CO2 on a daily basis. The plant is expected to reach full production capacity during fall 2016. Neste estimates to supply the plant approximately 30,000 tons of carbon dioxide-containing crude gas annually.
The CO2 recovery plant is located at Neste’s Singapore refinery in the Tuas industrial area. The plant was constructed and it is operated by Neste’s Singaporean partner Leeden National Oxygen Ltd (LNOX), a subsidiary of Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation from Japan.
"Neste is proud of the excellent co-operation with LNOX offering not only an avenue to effectively utilize the by-products of the refining process, but also enabling us to decrease both the carbon footprint of our refinery as well as that of our renewable products," explains Bart Leenders, Vice President Production, Renewable Products at Neste.
"LNOX is excited about the long-term and promising partnership with Neste Singapore and aims to enable both companies to enhance energy efficiency in their business, as well as to increase their operational yields in the course. Currently the recovered CO2 is utilized, for example, as raw material for welding gas, but we also plan to certify it to be used as a food grade product," elaborated Simon Sim from LNOX.