S&S Energy Products (SSEP) has provided a number of gas turbine packages to utilities and IPPs in Latin America, including assistance in arranging financing. These recent projects include the following:

  • COPESA in Panama. This consists of a 43 MWe LM6000 located near Tucumen airport close to Panama City. The COPESA I plant is owned by COPESA, which sells power to the grid of IHRE, the Panamanian national utility. COPESA is expected to upgrade the LM6000 to the SPRINT (Spray Intercooling) system in the future.

  • ENEL in Nicaragua. SSEP supplied a diesel-fired 40 MWe LM6000 to ENEL’s Las Brisas power plant in Managua.

  • Rio Grande, Argentina. A 22.6 MWe LM2500 was supplied by SSEP to Cooperativa de Rio Grande, the local utility in Rio Grande,Tierra del Fuego, for the Rio Grande Power Plant.

  • Electroquil in Ecuador. SSEP helped to bring this power plant in Guayaquil on line in less than 120 days from the signing of the contract with the Ecuadorian IPP Electroquil. The generation facility was originally built using two LM6000s, but it now features two additional LM6000s, which were also provided under a fast-track schedule.

  • Electronorte in Brazil. Three LM6000 gas turbines are used at two separate projects developed under fast-track schedules for Electronorte.