The 1,500 kilometres power transmission cable, commencing in 2011, would be built between the central province of Tete and the capital, Maputo in the south of the country, is expected to cost $2.4 billion. The project would be carried out by a public-private partnership, said a statement from the Mozambican ministry sent to PANA in Dakar.
Mozambique’s minister for planning and development said that, Aiuba Cuereneia, due to the shortage of an internal transmission requires Mozambique to purchase power from South Africa that is produced by Mozambique itself.
The two new hydroelectric facilities, which would be located in Tete province, Cahora Bassa Norte, with 1,245 megawatts (MW) and Mpanda Nkuwa, with 2,400 MW are built with an estimated cost of $1 billion and $1.8 billion respectively.