Table 2. Definition of danger levels of flood waves (h: water depth; v: flow velocity)

Danger levels and intensity of flooding Dam safety regulations apply if danger levels are exceeded
h > 2m or v·h > 2m2/sec People inside massive buildings, in railway coaches, in passenger cars, or on camping sites are in danger.
2 m ≥ h > 1m or 2m2/sec ≥ v·h > 1m2/s ec People inside buildings, in passenger cars or on camping sites are in danger.
1 m ≥ h > 0.5m or 1m2/sec ≥ v·h > 0.5m2/sec People in passenger cars and on camping sites are in danger.
h ≤ 0.5m or v·h ≤ 0.5m2/sec The regulations do not apply.