Summary of funded hydrokinetic projects and studies in Alaska as of 2011

Project description Funding source
Hydrokinetic resource study of Alaskan rivers (University of Alaska Anchorage) AEA-REF
Tanana river characterization study at Nenana (Alaska Hydrokinetic Energy Research Center) AEA-REF
Iguigigt power generation project (Alaska Energy Authority) AEA-REF
Eagle demonstration project (Alaska Power and Telephone) DC-EETG
Ruby demonstration project (Yukion River Intertribal Watershed Council) AEA-REF
National hydrokinetic resource study (Electric Power Reseaerch Institute) DOE
Cook Inlet Beluga whale study (Ocean Renewable Power Company) DOE
Sediment abrasion study (Ocean Renewable Power Company DOE
Delta Junction demonstration project) (Whitestone Power and Communications) DOE