“Sweco has over 100 years of experience in conducting international consulting assignments and is seeing an increased need for our expertise in the water and environmental area. This is especially true in the Middle East, where our experts have been engaged in several similar projects in recent years,” says Mats Wäppling, president and chief executive officer of Sweco.

Jordan is currently struggling with a severe water shortage. The new water supply system will pump water along a 350 km water pipeline to the capital city. Sweco has been commissioned for project management and supervision of the large-scale construction project. The assignment will be carried out directly for the Jordanian Government’s Ministry of Water and Irrigation, and will run for the next four years. When completed, the water supply system will provide Amman’s population of 2.5 million residents with almost half of their water requirements.

The project is being carried out according to a build operate transfer (BOT) approach in which a concessionaire will design, build and manage the pipeline for a period of 25 years, after which the project will be transferred to the client, the Ministry of Water and Irrigation.