The Slovak power firm target to increase power generation to 500 MW at each of its units by 2010. The third block currently stands at 469 MW.

Enel, holding 66% stake in Slovakia’s power utility, is currently finishing two further blocks at its second nuclear site in Mochovce.

Slovenske Elektrarne operates 5,617.24 MW of gross installed capacity.

As announced earlier in June 2009, Slovenske Elektrarne would seek EUR500 million of external financing to help fund the construction of its EUR2.7 billion Mochovce nuclear power plant.

Slovakia became an energy importer after closing down part of an older nuclear plant at Jaslovske Bohunice but the completion of Mochovce is seen as a way to restore the country’s energy self-sufficiency.

The country intends to construct another nuclear power plant, at an estimated cost of EUR4-6 billion, at the Jaslovske Bohunice site.