Probe Resources holds a 52% working interest (WI) and a 36.4% net revenue interest (NRI) in the well along with its partners, including Petrodome Energy, LLC holds a 44% WI and a 32.1% NRI in the well.

Production casing is currently being run in the well. The well was drilled from the same surface location as the previously announced East Cameron 36 #1 discovery. A production test facility has been constructed and will be installed on location in the next few months. A flowline will be constructed to a nearby host facility which will handle final processing. Concurrent to the construction operations, a completion rig will be mobilized and the two wells will be completed. Production is expected to commence in the fourth quarter of 2009.

Additionally, the company has relinquished its interest in Brazos block 434 due to the impending expiration of its drilling commitment and in order to accelerate development of its previous discoveries.