Lithium explorer and developer Winsome Resources (ASX: WR1) (“Winsome” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that it has submitted the Preliminary Information Statement for its Adina Lithium Mining Project (incorporating the existing and well maintained Renard Operation (together the Project) with the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP), the designated authority within the Provincial Government of Québec to oversee mining project developments located in the territory governed by the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) and situated south of the 55th parallel.

“This represents the beginning of a well-defined regulatory review process that can only be beneficial to all stakeholders, including future investors and strategic partners. It will provide further details on our development project based on the technical studies completed to date, and allows us to pursue discussions and collaborations to maximize the benefits for host communities and for Quebec as a whole.”- Chris Evans, Managing director

“We look forward to continuing discussions with the communities of Eeyou Istchee James Bay and various stakeholders to develop a sustainable project aligned with our company’s values, and to contribute to the energy transition. Specifically, we look forward to further investigating how best to maximize the potential Project’s impact on local communities such as the creation of local employment opportunities and training and skills development.”- Geneviève Morinville, Vice President Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs

Preliminary Information Statement

The proposed Project is subject to the provincial ESIA procedures established under the provincial Environmental Quality Act (EQA). Specifically, Adina will be planned and developed in compliance with the Section 22 of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) where the Preliminary Information Statement of any new mining operation is automatically subject to a review through an established Environmental and Social Impact Evaluating Committee (COMEV), an advisory body composed of members appointed by Quebec, Canada and Cree Nation governments.

Baseline environmental studies

For the Adina Site, the biophysical and socioeconomic (human) environmental baseline studies were initiated in Summer 2023 and are ongoing with support from Cree contractors. Physical baseline data collected to date include hydrology, surface (stream and lake) and ground water quality, geochemistry, soil quality and local climate (incl. precipitation, temperature) using an on-site meteorological station. Biological field studies completed to date comprise fish and fish habitat, wetlands, vegetation, fauna (small mammals, chiropterans, herpetofauna, moose and caribou), as well as avian fauna. Socio-economic baseline data collection efforts will consider landscape, archaeology and traditional land use. Baseline collection efforts will continue into 2025 and will be adjusted if needed to meet the requirements of the directive, which should capture most of the remaining information required to complete the effects assessment for both provincial and federal processes, pending additional guidance received by regulatory authorities.